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a mustika is genuine as they are unlike any crystal or gem s
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Registrato: 27/07/19 02:50
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MessaggioInviato: 26 Set 2019 05:11:47    Oggetto:  a mustika is genuine as they are unlike any crystal or gem s
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a mustika is genuine as they are unlike any crystal or gem stone in their uncut
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, untumbled, and unpolished state. Sometimes natural objects such as a grass or part of an insect may be found embedded within them--these magickal pearls often possesses additional power.

Pearls may be tested by the layman whether they are genuine or fake using the finger test; however, this method is not conclusive--it does entail having some psychic sensitivity on the person testing it. The method is to hold a pearl with the right hand between the thumb and forefinger. Inhale and hold your breath, then feel the energy flowing along the arms to the heart. Exhale when you need to. Repeat the breathing cycle--the more you do this, the more definite will the energy be felt. The arm holding the pearl would feel intensely heavy at one point--this effect is generally not felt with ordinary stones and objects. You may test this for yourself should you possess a magickal pearl. Some people make a mistake of stating that testing every object makes their fingers tingle and thus feeling this as a result of holding a magickal pearl is of no import. This is fallacious, and is not the effect sought. This tingling is the result of the blood pulsation as the fingers are pressed against the hard surface of the pearl. What we are actually after in this experiment is to feel the subtle energy flowing into the arms--thus the pearl should not be held between the fingers too tightly. When the energy flows, it accumulates in the arm before reaching the body--this makes the arm intensely heavy. When one's subtle nadis or etheric nerves have been cleansed of psychic toxins and enlargened for a greater capacity of energy-flow
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, just holding a mustika-pearl for a few seconds is sufficient enough to feel the rush of the force.

In the days of yore, most men could only mention animalplant pearls in their writings. Nowadays, magickal pearls are bountiful and readily available to a wider public--to those that seek them. The reason has partly to do with the Aquarian-Age that we find ourselves living in. It is, however, mainly because Nature wishes to offer humanity something that would help men embrace her and not destroy the platform where the other lower kingdoms have their place of evolution. Mustika-pearls are Nature's gifts to humanity, it connects us directly to the Spirit-Intelligences of the mineral, plant
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, and animal kingdoms.
As alluded to previously, the reality of mustika pearls are to be found in certain literature. Below we quote fully the summarytranslation of the Sri Garuda Purana by the gemologist , Robert S. Brown, regarding this matter. The commentary in square brackets are ours:

"Besides (natural) oyster pearls there are seven other types [In fact, almost every animal specie and perhaps plant-life may produce pearls--although rare] found in conch shells, wild boar heads, elephant heads
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, king cobra heads, bamboo stems, clouds, and fish heads.

"Pearls from elephant heads, bamboo stems, boar heads, fish mouths
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, and conch shells are lusterless, even though possessed of other auspicious qualities [Not all crowns of animals are lusterless--some have clear crystalline-structures and do give forth a sheen; some bamboo pearls also have lustre]. Pearls from conch shells are usually the size of a large kona (the large end of a drum stick), and they possess a color similar to their host shell.

"Fish pearls are perfectly round and symmetrical. They possess a yellowish hue like the scales of the pathenam fish which often inhabit the mouths of deep sea whales [Again, not totally true, we have seen shark pearls white in color.]

"Boar pearls [we have this pearl available in our collection] are colored like a boar's tusks and are found only in remote parts of the world. Such pearls are auspicious symbols of the Varaha boar incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Vishnu.

"Pearls derived from bamboo appear like hailstones in color, and they are found only within bamboo that has grown in a region populated by religious people [Lots of bamboo pearls in our collection--they mostly come from Ujung Kulon
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, Java, which secret sources say is one of the remote places where the Indonesian Spiritual Masters regularly convene].

"Pearls from the cobra's hood are perfectly round, like fish pearls, and they radiate a natural effulgence. By repeated washing, a snake pearl becomes as lustrous as a polished sword blade. Anyone possessing such a naga-mani attains piety, rare good fortune, and eventually becomes illustrious as a leader of men
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, complete with a great collection of all precious gems [Cobra-pearls are not always round, they may also come in other shapes].

"Upon acquiring such a snake pearl, the owner should have the rite of installation performed by a priest who is learned in religious formalities. After hearing from the owner how the pearl was obtained and conducting the benedictory ritual, the priest should formally install the jewel inside the owner's house. On such an auspicious occasion, the sky becomes filled with dark and heavy rain clouds, thunder, and flashing lightning
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, such as exhibited at the time of universal dissolution. A man in possession of such a snake pearl will never be troubled by snakes, demonic beings, diseases, or disturbances in any form.

"Cloud pearls [this could possibly be a "dew pearl" or a variation], being naturally effulgent like the sun, illuminate the sky in all directions and dispel the darkness of cloudy days. Glowing brighter than the combined light of the moon, the twinkling stars
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, and fire, a cloud-born pearl dissipates even the darkest night exactly like the sunrise. A cloud pearl is so priceless that the entire earth, with her oceans filled with countless jewels and covered in layers of gold, would not be equal in value. Cloud pearls rarely reach this earthly world, because they are usually taken away by the demigods.

"E .
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MessaggioInviato: 26 Set 2019 05:11:47    Oggetto: Adv

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